What are the Benefits Of Speech Pathology Teletherapy Sessions?
Wondering how speech pathology teletherapy sessions might look?
Are you concerned they might not be as effective as traditional sessions?
Have you been trying to figure out how to fit a speech therapy session into your schedule, and had difficulty doing so?
If so, read on to find out the benefits of speech teletherapy.
1. Teletherapy helps reduce the transmission of Covid-19
2. It’s More Flexible
Everyone is very busy in today’s world, it just seems to be getting busier.
So it can sometimes be difficult to make the time for a speech therapy session.
It’s cold out, you need to find a sitter for the kids, you can’t get away from work, it takes too long to drive there – there could be many reasons to skip your speech therapy session.
Speech teletherapy sessions avoid all that.
3. Some autistic children have a hard time adjusting to different environments
Getting ready, getting into the car and driving downtown. Trying to settle down at the speech therapy appointment. A lot of time can be lost during this transition, by the time a child has settled down, the session is almost over.
4. It Offers A Safer Environment – Your Home
For some people, a speech therapy session can induce a lot of anxiety and fear.
We do our best to provide an environment where kids feel safe and at ease, but some kids just don’t feel comfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.
This can be especially true for children with an autism spectrum disorder.
Being at home can make it much easier for your child to work through your speech & language concerns.
4. It Might Actually Be More Effective
Teletherapy might seem like a new idea, but we’ve been using it for more than 20 years.
And during that time, there have been a number of studies done on whether or not it’s an effective treatment method.
The research shows that overall, it’s just as effective as traditional face to face therapy at treating most issues, and in some cases it might be even more effective.
Here are links to studies of speech teletherapy and their effectiveness.